What are Anterior Bite Plane Splints?

When is an Anterior Bite Splint is Right for You? By Ann McCulloch | Reviewed by Dr. Brad Eli Not all oral appliances are just for teeth! Anterior Bite Splints are short-term mouthguards that help with jaw sprain/strain (JAMSS) and headaches. Numerous medical mouthguards are on the market, making comparing mouthguard types and splint options… Continue reading What are Anterior Bite Plane Splints?

Clinical Management of Direct Jaw Trauma

Clinical Evaluation and Management of Direct Jaw Trauma in Adults Direct temporomandibular joint (TMJ) trauma is identified as a causal factor in many patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) who then need clinical management. Approximately 20-25% of people with chronic TMDs have a history of direct TMJ trauma [1]. Furthermore, TMD patients with a history of… Continue reading Clinical Management of Direct Jaw Trauma

Categorized as Jaw Pain

Higher Rate of Jaw Pain Patients Ups Need for Solutions

Orofacial Therapeutics has a care plan that is easy to use, easy to purchase, and easy for healthcare providers to offer. According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR), prompt diagnosis of TMJ disorders does not happen enough because primary care providers have not been consistently trained in how to provide simple care options or how to differentiate and refer higher-risk patients to specialists.

Categorized as Jaw Pain